Search Results - Robertson, Iain (Sotheby's Institute, London, U... - Books
RRP £54.99
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Understanding international art markets and management

Paperback / softback 12 May 2005
Publisher Routledge
ISBN: 9780415339575
Dewey: 706.88
RRP £68.99
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RRP £180.00
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In
RRP £180.00
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Art business

Paperback / softback 3 Apr 2008
Publisher Routledge
ISBN: 9780415391580
Dewey: 706.8
RRP £54.99

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Art business

Hardback 1 Apr 2008
Publisher Routledge
ISBN: 9780415391573
Dewey: 706.8

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