A New Year by Aboulela, Leila (9781849250733) | Browns Books
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A New Year

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A story about family, ageing, fresh starts and the beautiful things that happen when we least expect them to.

Suad misses her husband. He died unexpectedly during an argument at work, and she never got to say goodbye.

But Suad knows she is lucky. Her three children have promised to look after her. After several false starts, Suad receives a warm welcome from her oldest son and settles down with his family in the countryside. Everything goes smoothly – at first. Her grandchildren love her crunchy, homemade falafel and watching TV together.

But as time goes on, things between Suad and her daughter-in-law grow tense.

Soon, her daughter-in-law stops giving her lifts into town.

She accuses Suad of interfering with how she raises her children.

Then she won’t talk to Suad. Finally, she asks her to leave the house. For the first time, Suad is on her own. Determined to make the best of it, Suad makes a new life for herself.

How can she budget for just one person? How can she fill the long hours? And will her new neighbours warm to her?

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Published 09/04/2025
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Product Details
Saqi Books
1849250731 / 9781849250733
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
128 pages
20 cm

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