Image for Pocket Bios: Vincent van Gogh

Pocket Bios: Vincent van Gogh

Berenger, AlBerenger, Al(Illustrated by)
Part of the Pocket Bios series
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A colorfully illustrated, pocket-size picture book biography of famed artist Vincent van Gogh.

Vincent van Gogh, one of the most important figures in Western art, is renowned for his Post-Impressionist paintings. Though he was extraordinarily prolific, producing 2,100 artworks in his lifetime, he was only posthumously recognized as an artistic genius. Many people saw him as a madman, and he is famous for having severed part of his own left ear. His tortured life is just as captivating as his artworks, which went on to achieve widespread success.

Pocket Bios are full of personality, introducing readers to fascinating figures from history with simple storytelling and cheerful illustrations. Titles include men and women from history, exploration, the sciences, the arts, the ancient world, and more.

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Product Details
Roaring Brook Press
1250168864 / 9781250168863
32 pages
4503 x 195 mm, 154 grams