3-dimensional printing and bio-based materials in global health: an interventional approach to addressing the global burden of surgical disease in low- and middle-income countries by Bhatia, Sujata K. (9783319582771) | Browns Books
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3-dimensional printing and bio-based materials in global health: an interventional approach to addressing the global burden of surgical disease in low- and middle-income countries

Part of the Springerbriefs in Materials series
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Examines the potential to deploy low-cost, three-dimensional printers known as RepRaps in developing countries to fabricate surgical instruments and medical supplies to combat the 'global surgical burden of disease'.

Approximately two billion people in developing countries around the world lack access to essential surgical services, resulting in the avoidable deaths of millions of individuals each year.

A fundamental barrier that inhibits access to surgical care in these locations is the lack of basic surgical instruments and supplies in healthcare facilities.

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3319582771 / 9783319582771
eBook (Adobe Pdf, EPUB)
114 pages
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