Buried Starring Ryan Reynolds Directed By Rodrigo Cortés (5051429102184) | Browns Books
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Rodrigo Cortes directs this claustrophobic suspense thriller.

Ryan Reynolds stars as Paul Conroy, an American driver contracted to deliver supplies to soldiers in Iraq.

After an attack by an Iraqi resistance group, Paul wakes to find himself buried alive inside a coffin with only his mobile phone and a cigarette lighter.

With only 90 minutes' worth of oxygen between him and certain death, Paul's worst enemies become intermittent reception and a rapidly draining battery as he engages in a desperate and tightly-confined battle for survival.

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Product Details
Rodrigo Cortés
Region 2  Learn More
Feature, Thriller
Retail not for Rental
95 mins
(15) Suitable for 15 years and over.
Special Features
  • Interactive Menus
  • Interviews: Rodrigo Cortes (Director)
  • Making Of Documentary

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