Themes to InspiRE for KS3 Pupil's Book 3 by Clarke, Steve (9781444122114) | Browns Books
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Themes to InspiRE for KS3 Pupil's Book 3

Part of the INSP series
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This innovative course gives you the flexibility to deliver Key Stage 3 Religious Education however you want - both thematically and/or by religion. InspiRE comprises two parallel sets of books: Themes to InspiRE, three books (one for each year of Key Stage 3) that cover the non-statutory Programme of Study for Religious Education through an exploration of thematic issues and concepts.

Religions to InspiRE, seven 'by religion' books that exemplify the themes and expand them from the points of view of the major religions of the UK.

Each book is supported by an accompanying Teacher's Resource Book. Each title:- Contains a series of lessons in three major themes - each with a 'big assignment' at the end which allows you to asses pupil's progress against the eight level scale- Engages all your pupils in their learning and enable them to progress with differentiated pupil centered activities and variety of stimulus material for each lesson- Helps you teach, plan and assess learning whether you are a non-specialist or a time-strapped Religious Education teacherThemes to Inspire Book 3 This title explores concepts like: 'Are we free to choose?' 'Why do people say God exists?' 'What makes a good leader?' and 'Is it ever right to kill?'

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Product Details
Hodder Education
1444122118 / 9781444122114
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
94 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour)
28 cm

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