The World of Dinosaur Roar!: Dinosaur Whack! The Stegosaurus: Book 7 by Curtis, Peter (9781408372753) | Browns Books
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The World of Dinosaur Roar!: Dinosaur Whack! The Stegosaurus: Book 7

Part of the The World of Dinosaur Roar! series
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'The clumsiest creature to wander the map was the young Stegosaurus, Dinosaur Whack!'Meet Dinosaur Whack, the clumsy Stegosaurus, in this brilliant rhyming story, part of The World of Dinosaur Roar! collectable book series created by Peter Curtis, in association with the Natural History Museum. Dinosaur Whack is the clumsiest dinosaur around. She doesn't mean to cause trouble, but she just can't control her long, spiky tail.

After accidentally knocking over Dinosaur Chew and bumping Dinosaur Boo, poor Whack finds herself all alone.

But can she find a use for her wayward tail and win back her friends?

With a fantastic rhyming text written by series creator, Peter Curtis, and award-winning author, Jeanne Willis, Dinosaur Whack! the Stegosaurus is perfect for preschool children. Inspired by the classic picture book, Dinosaur Roar! by Paul Stickland and Henrietta Stickland, this colourful series introduces a cast of authentic dinosaur characters to very young children and is approved by the Department of Earth Sciences at the Natural History Museum in London.

Each book also contains a pronunciation guide, as well as two pages of simple dinosaur facts, making this the perfect gift for young dinosaur fans!Discover, Learn and Explore the Colourful World of Dinosaur Roar!Also in the series:Dinosaur ROAR!

The Tyrannosaurus rexDinosaur BOO! The DeinonychusDinosaur MUNCH! The DiplodocusDinosaur STOMP! The TriceratopsDinosaur SNAP! The SpinosaurusDinosaur FLAP! The OviraptorDinosaur WHIZZ! The CoelophysisDinosaur HONK! The ParasaurolophusDinosaur SQUEAK! The CompsognathusDinosaur BASH! The AnkylosaurusDinosaur CHEW! The IguanodonDinosaur THUD! The Carnotaurus

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Product Details
Orchard Books
1408372754 / 9781408372753
Board book
United Kingdom
24 pages
186 x 186 mm, 350 grams

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