Image for Pride and Prejudice on Social Media

Pride and Prejudice on Social Media : The perfect gift for fans of Jane Austen

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Elizabeth Bennet has politely declined your friend request and asks that you do not slide into her DMs again.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, will probably be verified on social media.

The characters of Pride and Prejudice are navigating the same struggles on unfamiliar channels - social media channels, to be precise.

When authors Claire McGowan and Sarah Day imagined how 'Pride and Prejudice on Social Media' might look, retelling the story through mocked-up social media posts, their post instantly went viral.

Have you ever wondered what Austen's most famous couple might be like if it played out online?

Well, here is the story in full . . . Perfect for fans of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy . . .

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Product Details
Hodder & Stoughton
1529370167 / 9781529370164
United Kingdom
1 volume