Dean Spanley Starring Jeremy Northam Directed By Toa Fraser (5051429101705) | Browns Books
Image for Dean Spanley

Dean Spanley

Comedy drama starring Peter O'Toole, set in Edwardian England.

Since the death of his younger son in the Boer War, Horatio Fisk (O'Toole) has aged into a bitter and curmudgeonly misanthrope, distanced even from his good-natured older son, Henslowe (Jeremy Northam), who visits him weekly.

To relieve the tedium of their regular outings, the pair decide to attend a lecture on the Transmigration of Souls delivered by a visiting Hindu Swami.

There, they meet the eccentric and mysterious Dean Spanley (Sam Neill), with whom Fisk Jr strikes up a bizarre friendship following a series of chance meetings.

Henslowe tempts the Dean to dinner with promises of a rare Hungarian Tokay wine, which he must then go to great lengths to procure, his quest leading him to resourceful rogue trader Wrather (Bryan Brown).

From these unlikely encounters, a sequence of events conspire to unlock the heart of the stiff-upper-lipped Fisk Sr, and reveal the emotional truths buried in his past.

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Product Details
Toa Fraser
Region 2  Learn More
Feature, Comedy
Retail not for Rental
100 mins
(U) Universal, suitable for all.
Special Features
  • Enhanced WS tv
  • Bonus Footage
  • Behind The Scenes
  • Interviews: Cast and Crew
  • Making Of Documentary

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