Image for Policing Empires: Militarization, Race, and the Imperial Boomerang in Britain and the US

Policing Empires: Militarization, Race, and the Imperial Boomerang in Britain and the US

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The police response to protests erupting on America's streets in recent years has made the militarization of policing painfully transparent.

Yet, properly demilitarizing the police requires a deeper understanding of its historical development, causes, and social logics.

Policing Empires offers a postcolonial historical sociology of police militarization in Britain and the United States to aid that effort.

Julian Go tracks when, why, and how British and US police departments have adopted military tactics, tools, and technologies for domestic use.

Go reveals that police militarization has occurred since the very founding of modern policing in the nineteenth century into the present, and that it is an effect of the "imperial boomerang." Policing Empires thereby unlocks the dirty secret of police militarization: Police have brought imperial practices home to militarize themselves in response to perceived racialized threats from minority and immigrant populations.

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Product Details
Oxford University Press
0197621678 / 9780197621677
eBook (Adobe Pdf)
United States
392 pages
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