Image for Eliza Asbury

Eliza Asbury : Her Cottage and Her Son

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Eliza Asbury lived between Birmingham and the Black Country during the ferment of the vast 18th century industrial revolution that was to transform the world.

She had a difficult marriage, lost a beloved daughter in infancy and lived in a community at Great Barr where hostility to her Methodist faith was never far from the surface.

Nevertheless for over 50 years her little cottage was a regular place of worship and her only son Frank was to go to America to become Bishop Francis Asbury, the first Protestant Bishop in North America.

This book tells the inspiring story through Eliza's eyes, uncoupling many of the myths that have grown up about the Asbury family.

Using original sources, it charts the frustrating 30 year correspondence between mother and son, when letters sometimes took a year to arrive at the intended destination.

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Product Details
Brewin Books
1858582350 / 9781858582351
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
108 pages, 38 illustrations
170 x 240 mm