Terror Man Vol 4 by Han, Dongwoo (9781684972746) | Browns Books
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Terror Man Vol 4

Han, DongwooKo, JinHo(By (artist))
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Jungwoo is becoming ever more entangled in the fallout of Project Imagine.

When he encounters another member of the project, another super-powered human who was supposedly sent by Jungwoo’s father, he inches ever closer to the truth and towards the inevitable conclusion of chaotic mission.

However, Lilia is growing worried. Has Jungwoo’s determination and supposed destiny changed him irreparably for the worse?Don't miss this popular Korean Webtoon, perfect for fans of Chainsaw Man, coming to print in English for the first time!Animated series adaptation from Studio Bazooka & Dr. Movie coming soon!

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Published 11/03/2025
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Product Details
Ablaze, LLC
1684972744 / 9781684972746
Paperback / softback
United States
300 pages
152 x 203 mm

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