Terror Man Vol 5 by Han, Dongwoo (9781684973309) | Browns Books
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Terror Man Vol 5

Han, DongwooKo, JinHo(By (artist))
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The final confrontation between Jungwoo and Project Imagine’s criminal pursuers is finally looming.

Pulled between survival and vengeance, Jungwoo must remember what his true motivations are and what he wants life to be.

Once he knows that, however, how does he obtain it? A bloody struggle blocks the path ahead, but he’s come too far to turn back now!The popular Korean Webtoon, perfect for fans of Chainsaw Man, now in English for the first time!Animated series adaptation from Studio Bazooka & Dr. Movie coming soon!

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Published 10/06/2025
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Product Details
Ablaze, LLC
1684973309 / 9781684973309
Paperback / softback
United States
300 pages
152 x 203 mm

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