Awaken, Lion of Judah by Jeter, Michael (9781549936999) | Browns Books
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Awaken, Lion of Judah : אריה מתעורר של יהודה

Part of the Great Awakening series
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This is a 30 page essay is a quick read and to the point about the true identity of the "so-called" Negro in America.

The author summarizes the origins of the dark races, the history behind the American black people, the origins of present day Jewish people and how it all ties together do the scriptures, Torah and the Bible.

This essay is the first in a series of essays where the author expresses his belief that if all people who desire to be obedient to God, Jew and Gentile alike, by keeping the Torah, God's Commandments and statutes, that His Olive Tree and those grafted in can work together in understanding and live the life that each were meant to live.

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Product Details
Independently Published
1549936999 / 9781549936999
Paperback / softback
44 pages
152 x 229 mm, 73 grams
General (US: Trade) Learn More

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