Image for Theatre Symposium, Vol. 17: Outdoor Performance

Theatre Symposium, Vol. 17: Outdoor Performance

Barnette, Jane(Contributions by)Bruegge, Andrew Vorder(Contributions by)Gallagher, Angela Sweigart(Contributions by)Headrick, Charlotte J.(Contributions by)LoMonaco, Martha S.(Contributions by)Magnuson, Landis K.(Contributions by)Williams, Jeanmarie Higgins(Contributions by)Malarcher, Jay(Edited by)
Part of the Theatre Symposium Series series
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Outdoor drama takes many forms: ancient Greek theatre, open-air performances of Shakespeare at summer festivals, and re-enactments of landmark historical events.

The essays gathered in "Outdoor Performance," Volume 17 of the annual journal Theatre Symposium, address outdoor theatre's many manifestations, including the historical and non-traditional.Among other subjects, these essays explore the rise of "airdomes" as performance spaces in the American Midwest in the first half of the 20th century; the civic-religious pageants staged by certain Mormon congregations; Wheels-A-Rolling, and other railroad themed pageants; first-hand accounts of the innovative Hunter Hills theatre program in Tennessee; the role of traditional outdoor historical drama, particularly the long-running performances of Paul Green's The Lost Colony; and the rise of the part dance, part sport, part performance phenomenon "parkour"-- the improvised traversal of obstacles found in both urban and rural landscapes.

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Product Details
University of Alabama Press
0817382976 / 9780817382971
eBook (EPUB)
106 pages
152 x 229 mm
Copy: 10%; print: 10%