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Emerging And Evolving Business And Management Issues In Vietnam: Research And Practice

Part of the Asia-Pacific Business Series series
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Research has shown that the pandemic has had a profound impact on the dimensions of environmental uncertainty. With the advent of technology, marketing and advertising have undergone constant development and refinement in order to adapt to the growing needs of buyers and investors alike. This book aims to provide a comprehensive review of strategic management and cultural intelligence, in relation to the measurement of financial information quality in recent times. It illustrates how marketing and advertising have changed from conventional to digital marketing, discussing the latest technological features, in addition to the variety of benefits that existing and emerging immersive technologies can bring to retailers and consumers.The study of the transformation of a market-oriented economy is crucial to a successful transition, along with the advancements in exchange efficiency and effectiveness. The book also covers cultural intelligence and financial literacy among in terms of spending, saving, borrowing, and investment in Vietnam.

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RRP £135.00
Product Details
9811286094 / 9789811286094
460 pages