Feuding and Warfare: Selected Works of Keith F. Otterbein by Otterbein, Keith F. (9781000258776) | Browns Books
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Feuding and Warfare: Selected Works of Keith F. Otterbein (1st edition)

Otterbein, Keith F.(Edited by)
Part of the Routledge Library Editions: Security and Society series
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Originally published in 1994, the late Keith F. Otterbein's scholarship had followed an overall design since 1962, when he began conducting comparative studies of warfare using both ethnographic and cross-cultural methods. Through a conceptual framework derived from systems theory, he made signal contributions to our understanding of the role of warfare in human social evolution. He formulated a Fraternal Interest Group theory, utilizing it to explain not only feuding and warfare but also rape and capital punishment. Believing that armed combat is learned behaviour, he posed questions about its learning process that had yet to be answered. He acted as a major synthesizer of the growing literature on warfare and led attempts among anthropologists to apply their knowledge of war and peace to current events. This volume will serve both as a useful introduction to the anthropology of war and as a needed compendium of Professor Otterbein's ideas.

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1000258777 / 9781000258776
eBook (Adobe Pdf)
246 pages
Copy: 30%; print: 30%

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