The Railway Man Starring Colin Firth Directed By Jonathan Teplitzky (5055761901733) | Browns Books
Image for The Railway Man

The Railway Man

Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Stellan Skarsgård star in this war drama adapted from Eric Lomax's memoirs about his experiences in a POW camp.

While serving in the Second World War, British Army officer Eric Lomax (Jeremy Irvine) is captured and held prisoner by the Japanese.

He is brutally tortured and forced, along with his fellow captives, to build the Thai-Burma Railway.

Many years later an older Lomax (Firth) is still traumatised by the experience.

Supported by his wife Patti (Kidman) and friend Finlay (Skarsgård), he decides to track down one of his torturers, Takashi Nagase (Hiroyuki Sanada), hoping to find the answers that will enable him to finally let go of the hatred he has held for so long.

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Product Details
Jonathan Teplitzky
Region 2  Learn More
Feature, Drama
Retail not for Rental
116 mins
(15) Suitable for 15 years and over.
Special Features
  • Interactive Menus
  • Interviews: Colin Firth (Actor), Nicole Kidman (Actor), Jeremy Irvine (Actor), Hiroyuki Sanada (Actor), Tanroh Ishida (Actor), Sam Reid (Actor), Jonathan Teplitzky (Director), Andy Paterson (Writer/Producer), Chris Brown (Producer), Bill Curbishley (Producer)

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