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One Consciousness : Fiery Wisdom of Ekam-Sanatana-Dharma, Book Ekam

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This Book is for entertainment purposes only and is purely a work of fiction which talks about the state of Sanatana-Dharma of a different Kali-Yuga. This is a very niche book that might benefit only a very exclusive people-those who love Sanatana-Dharma in its pristine form from prehistoric days and who today find it to be on the verge of extinction -and would now like to see Sanatana-Dharma make a comeback. This book is not suitable for everyone and is meant only for extremely mature readers-who are keen to understand diverse viewpoints critical of their own beliefs. You are not welcome to read this book, especially if you are of another religion and get offended.


Reading this book may cause lasting changes in your thought process and ideology; it may force you to rethink your entire belief system and bring fundamental changes in your life. Not everyone is ready for such massive transformation and hence we recommend that you do not read it. There is nothing in this book which can be of interest to children; only for adults.

This Book is for entertainment purposes only and is purely a work of fiction. All religions, nations, races, people, books, histories, places, events, timelines etc., referred to in this book-even those that might be construed to have any resemblance to the existing ones of the present times-are entirely fictional and intended to be used in a fictitious manner, and do not refer to any existing ones of the present age at all.

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Product Details
Only Rama Only
1945739592 / 9781945739590
Paperback / softback
104 pages
191 x 235 mm, 195 grams