Teaching walkthrus: five-step guides to instructional coaching by Sherrington, Tom (9781913808648) | Browns Books
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Teaching walkthrus: five-step guides to instructional coaching

Part of the Teaching WalkThrus series
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Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli team up to present 50 essential teaching techniques, each with five clear and concise illustrations and explanations.

It forms a truly unique repository of key teaching methods, valuable to any classroom practitioner in any setting.

The book covers important practical techniques in behaviour and relationships; curriculum planning; explaining and modelling; questioning and feedback; practice and retrieval; and Mode B teaching.

Each technique is simply explained and beautifully illustrated in five short steps, to make sense of complex ideas and support student learning.

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John Catt Educational Ltd.
1913808645 / 9781913808648
eBook (EPUB)
165 pages
Copy: 30%; print: 30%

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