Image for Yoga by the Stars

Yoga by the Stars : Practices and Meditations Inspired by the Zodiac

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Bring the wheel of the zodiac into your practice and discover how its symbolism inspires new and exciting yoga sequences.

Featuring poses, meditations, visualizations, and breathing exercises, Yoga by the Stars showcases the amazing connection between astrology and yoga.

Ancient, celestial wisdom can elevate your yoga practice to new heights and give you a greater sense of peace, power, and wellness.

Jilly Shipway presents a fascinating approach that connects astrology s signs and symbolism to a yearlong cycle of yoga practice.

Aries empowers your inner warrior in the spring, Libra helps you create balance in the fall, and Capricorn shows you how to transcend your limitations in the winter.

Each sign has its own chapter that includes hands-on techniques for integrating that sign s energy in your life.

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Product Details
Llewellyn Publications,U.S.
0738763861 / 9780738763866
Paperback / softback
United States
264 pages
24 cm