Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Book of Hindus by Sushma (9781945739378) | Browns Books
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Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Book of Hindus : Original Sanskrit Text with English Translation & Transliteration [ A Classic of Indian Spirituality ]

Part of the Bhagavad Gita series
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Bhagavad Gita - 'The Song of God'- is collection of 700 verses from the great epic Mahabharata, composed millenniums ago by Veda Vyasa, a prehistoric sage of India. It is set in the narrative framework of a dialogue that takes place in the middle of a battle field between prince Arjuna, and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna. 

The Bhagavad Gita is a synthesis and compendium of Hindu spiritual ideas on Dharma, Bhakti, Karma, Moksha, Raja Yoga etc. Alongside Ramayana, the Bhagavad Gits is an important Hindu Scripture and is counted amongst the classics of Indian spirituality. 

This edition contains the Sanskrit verses of the Bhagavad Gita, and their simple English Translation, and also Transliteration of the Sanskrit verses-so that the original text can be read in English, even without knowing the Devanagari script. The Translation is presented in a simple running style, unencumbered of any burdensome commentaries to dig through. 

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Only Rama Only
1945739371 / 9781945739378
192 pages
156 x 234 mm, 476 grams

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