That Sugar Film Directed By Damon Gameau (5060238031691) | Browns Books
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That Sugar Film

Australian actor and film-maker Damon Gameau presents this documentary about sugar and its impact on our bodies.

In order to discover the effects of the sweet substance Damon goes on a high sugar diet for 60 days.

By only eating foods that are generally considered to be healthy he exposes the truth about what these products actually contain and whether they are really good for us, as we have been led to believe.

The film features appearances from Stephen Fry, Isabel Lucas and Brenton Thwaites and includes interviews with experts Gary Taubes, Michael Moss and Kimber Stanhope.

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Product Details
Damon Gameau
Region 2  Learn More
Feature, Documentary
102 mins
(12) Suitable for 12 years and over.
Special Features
  • Interactive Menus

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