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Criminological Research : Understanding Qualitative Methods (2nd edition)

Part of the Introducing Qualitative Methods Series series
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Good research starts with careful planning and a thorough understanding of the research process.

The abilities to design a research study and to evaluate those conducted by others are core skills every student of criminology must learn. With guidance from theoretical considerations through the steps of the research process, this book equips you with the necessary tools to carry out a successful, ethical study. This is a completely updated new edition, and it features A new skills-focused chapter on how to evaluate existing qualitative studies and design new onesRich examples from real research making the ideas and concepts concreteNew in-depth case studies on fashion counterfeiting, electronic monitoring and youth justice to illustrate the realities of conducting qualitative researchA full discussion of the politics of research, issues of access, ethics and managing risk in the fieldThought-provoking exercises reinforce practical research skills This book is the perfect guide to theory and practice for any student undertaking qualitative research on crime or criminal justice.

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Product Details
SAGE Publications Ltd
1446209148 / 9781446209141
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
xii, 202 pages
25 cm
Previous edition: published as by Lesley Noaks and Emma Wincup 2004.