Image for Tibes: people, power, and ritual at the center of the cosmos

Tibes: people, power, and ritual at the center of the cosmos (First Edition edition.)

Castor, Andrew(Contributions by)Castor, Melissa J.(Contributions by)Crespo-Torres, Edwin(Contributions by)Curet, L. Antonio(Contributions by)deFrance, Susan D.(Contributions by)DuChemin, Geoffrey(Contributions by)Fluegeman, Richard H.(Contributions by)Grigsby, Jeffry D.(Contributions by)Hadden, Carla S.(Contributions by)LeFebvre, Michelle J.(Contributions by)Newsom, Lee A.(Contributions by)Pestle, William J.(Contributions by)Rice-Snow, Scott(Contributions by)Stringer, Lisa M.(Contributions by)Torres, Joshua M.(Contributions by)Walker, Jeffrey B.(Contributions by)Welch, Daniel(Contributions by)Zayas, Pedro Alvarado(Contributions by)Curet, L. Antonio(Edited by)Stringer, Lisa M.(Edited by)
Part of the Caribbean archaeology and ethnohistory series
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The prehistoric civic-ceremonial centre of Tibes is located on the southern coast of Puerto Rico, just north of the modern coastal city of Ponce.

In this volume, 19 Caribbeanists examine the archaeological evidence of the ancient settlement.

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Product Details
University of Alabama Press
0817382526 / 9780817382520
eBook (EPUB)
296 pages
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